Google Penguin Advice from Around the Web - Splat, Inc

Google Penguin Blog Posts from Around the Web


The Google Penguin update has inspired shock and awe from all corners of the web, since its roll out in late April. Too lazy to write an article myself, I thought I’d at least cover the tumult by sending along some of the best articles I’ve read in the last few weeks.

Our colleague Glenn Gabe from GSQI has written 3 posts devoted to his formal and not-so-formal observations written in the aftermath of Penguin. the posts follow the evolution in assessment he’s gone through, as weeks have elapsed. Glenn’s posts are:

Search Engine Journal has likewise covered the story repeatedly and many of its stories have fallen into the category of “how to fix (insert some black or grey hat SEO thingy your site was not supposed to be doing but was here) on sites affected by Penguin. Here are a few of those:

And, finally, Search Engine Land has likewise spent a lot of ink on Panda. Here is some of the more engaging content I’ve been pouring over:

If you’ve got a Penguin story to share, we’d love to hear it…

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