To Those Folks at Happy Cog

To Those Folks at Happy Cog…


Hey Guys:

The funniest recent story we’ve had in our office about “how much client control is too much?” happened a few weeks back. One random Friday (at, of course, about 4:45 pm) a client we had built a WordPress site decided to do a little exploring of the WP dashboard. Rather than stick to the Add/Edit Post area, he ventured out a bit and decided to see what that “upgrade WordPress” functionality was all about. Seemingly ignoring all the warnings, he managed to upgrade WordPress at the expense of entirely replacing the custom theme we had designed for him! Suddenly, his beautiful site was dressed in the plain vanilla theme that WP ships with. After a few very harrowing telephone calls, we were able to re-skin the site but the whole experience warned of the hazards of giving the client the keys to his website kingdom!

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