Legal Marketing Archives - Splat, Inc.


Random and intentional thoughts on digital design & marketing

Legal Marketing

Google Practitioner Listings: What are they and why should you care?

We’ve written a lot over the years about Local SEO and our longstanding belief that it offers one of the best ‘bang for your buck’ opportunities for business’ to show up in organic search. Our obsession also is self-interested: many of our clients are professional service firms, with physical locations that allow them to maximize […]

Local SEO for Law Firms

A beginner’s guide to Local SEO for law firms. Of all the different flavors of digital marketing our clients hire us to perform, local search engine optimization (Local SEO) is probably the least understood. Often, though, the relatively high return on investment good local provides makes it a no-brainer recommendation for our law firm clients. […]

How to Write the Perfect Attorney Bio: A Deeper Dive

If there’s one constant refrain legal marketers hear all the time, it’s that attorney bio pages are one of their firm website’s most critical sections. ‘Experts’ harp on the importance of bio pages, often citing visitation statistics to these areas as evidence of their importance. In our own experience, we haven’t necessarily found visitation figures […]

Marketing Self Assessment for Professional Service Firms | Part 1

Marketing your professional services firm today is fraught with challenges. Yes, the internet enables a geographic reach that has broken down geographic barriers. And the ability to conduct research, as well as market to niche demographics, lends a new precision to an old craft. But, these same technologies have also created obstacles. Pricing pressures abound. […]

Marketing Professional Services: A Splatworld Event

On Tuesday, March 26, Splat’s founder David Hitt and legal marketing consultant Jim Staples hosted a breakfast seminar on marketing for professional services at The Pyramid Club in Philadelphia, PA. The presentation – which was aimed at sole proprietors, partners, and marketing professionals at law firms of all sizes – discussed strategies to get your […]